JWI reteaches the first principles understood by the American Founders to a new generation of lawyers, professors, and judges because they are no longer being taught.
This is only made possible by gifts from generous donors such as you.
Thank you!
The James Wilson Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All gifts made to the Institute are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
Giving Levels
Young Wilsonians - $250 (suggested for under 40)
Wilsonians - $500
John Marshall Circle - $1,000
Thomas Reid Circle - $2,500
Fellowship Patron - $5,000
Abraham Lincoln Circle - $10,000 and Above
Interested in giving another way? There are several options available for donors and foundations to join the James Wilson Institute in fulfilling our mission to renew American Jurisprudence.
Pay by Mail
If you would like to donate via check, please mail the check to our office address at
The James Wilson Institute
Attn: Garrett Snedeker
510 King St, Suite 350
Alexandria, VA 22314
Donate from a Donor Advised Fund
If you have a Donor Advised Fund, you can contact your adviser directly at your Donor Advised Fund to recommend a donation to JWI. The James Wilson Foundation's Tax ID number is 41-1970028.
To donate to the James Wilson Institute through the mail, please direct your Donor Advised Fund to make checks payable to:
The James Wilson Institute
Attn: Garrett Snedeker
510 King St, Suite 350
Alexandria, VA 22314
Gifts of Stocks or Bonds
Step 1. Please call JWI staff at 202-760-3220 or email staff@jwinst.org to let us know you would like to make a gift of stock. Staff members will provide the banking information to provide to your broker to complete the gift.
Step 2. Provide the following information to JWI staff
Bequests and Legacy Gifts
Join the James Wilson Legacy Society by making an estate or planned gift. Such gifts may include but are not limited to, bequests by will or living trust, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, a designation in a retirement plan or life insurance policy, and gifts of real estate. A bequest can be made to JWI by including specific language in your will or estate-planning document.
Gift Pledges
Please call JWI staff at 202-760-3220 or email staff@jwinst.org to make a formal statement of intention to make a gift to JWI that can be paid by making regular payments.